Monday, 15 November 2021

Dinner Guests

With lockdown in Melbourne now a thing of the past and vaccination rates nearing 90% two doses for those aged over twelve, we are allowed to have guests to our home again.  It is nice to have the table set up.  The table runner was make by Kathy at Tamarack Shack.

In my dining area I have these three paintings by my very talented sister.  There is a story about how I came to have them in my possession.  

I had always admired them, but obviously my sister didn't realise how much.  Several years ago she was moving from Melbourne to Perth and was downsizing.  I walked past my local Salvos one early evening and to my shock and horror saw them in the window.  She had donated them without asking me if I wanted them.  The shop was already closed, but I noted the opening times. 

The next morning I was standing at the door 15 mins before opening to make sure no one got them before me.  As soon as they opened I immediately bought them.  Then I rang my sister and told her I had to buy her work.

I chose quilts to display next to them in colours that match.