Sunday 15 November 2020

Churchill National Park

This weekend was the first that the 25km restriction was lifted for Melbourne and we could go hiking.  It was so good to get away and listen to the sounds of the bush - including a couple of times some kookaburras.  It rained lightly at one stage, and it smelled amazing.

This photo was taken as I was walking past what we call the Homestead.  It is a flat area where a lot of non native trees and flowers have been planted.  I surmise that in the past there was a farm here.

Churchill National Park is where we hiked regularly before moving.  If you get there around dawn you are almost guaranteed to see roos.  We were lucky to see a joey in its mother's pouch.

We were hiking here in November last year and managed to get some video of a joey and mother - although the joey was a little on the large size so I doubt would be able to get into its mother's pouch for much longer.

The giggling at the end of the video is my niece who was eight at the time.