We got away for a long weekend staying at Halls Gap and did two hikes in the Grampians National Park. Whilst this wasn't the first time we had got out of metro Melbourne since the restriction was lifted on Sunday the 8th of November - we did go for a day hike a couple of weeks back - this is the first weekend away we have had this year.
Our first hike was Mt Rosea circuit. We have done a longer variation of this hike a few years back that included Sundial Peak with our nephew who would have been eight or nine at the time, but it was an overcast day. It was great to do the hike again, and this time the weather was perfect. We got some spectacular views over Bellfield Lake at the top of Mt Rosea.
Signpost at the top.
Don't you love the colour of the sky. You can see the trail to the left.
Me on the hike back down, before it got steep and we had to rock scramble.
Our second hike was Wonderland Loop. The sky wasn't as clear as rain was forecast for the afternoon. We got up early to make sure we were finished before the rain came. Still the veiw from the Pinnacle Lookout over Halls Gap was gorgeous. This photo was taken a little before we reached the Pinnacle - I liked the sky as it was shortly after sunrise.
The return walk had some interesting rock formations.