Friday, 16 July 2021

Murray to Mountains Rail Trail

With my foot injury finally starting to feel better, and Paul taking a week off work, we decided to tackle parts of the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail.  This trail is 116km long and runs from Wangaratta to Bright with an offshoot to Beechworth.  Rail Trails by their very nature are mostly flat, or with gradual gradients, so therefore perfect for me to test out my foot rather than tackle a more difficult hike. 

Our Rail Trail trip was cut short with Victoria going into another circuit breaker lockdown, but at least we got two good days of walking in. 

The first was from our accomodation in Wangaratta to the former station of Londrigan.  This was 25.5kms return.  Much of the walk was at the back of housing or along a road, so not as picturesque as I would have preferred.  However there were some very pretty areas along the trail.

There were some gorgeous trees.  This one caught my eye because of both the colours in the trunk and the strange lower branch on the right.

This magnificent tree was near a creek and you can see in the background a couple of horseback riders also out on the trail.

This was where we stopped for lunch.  

And this was the view of the creek from the bridge next to where we stopped for lunch.

The map of the trail - the red is the part of the trail we walked.

The second walk was further along on the Rail Trail starting just before where the former station of Bowman was located to where the former station of Gapsted was located.  This was 16kms return.

Unfortunately the weather was a bit wet, but we didn't let us stop us.  This hike was largely through farmland.  

But it also had some interesting sights, like a car graveyard.

Some old car bodies dumped in a ravine.

And some interesting bike art which was in the middle of nowhere.  

This is the map showing in red the part of the trail we walked.

Afterwards we stopped at a bakery on the way back to our accomodation and I had the second best bee-sting cake that I have ever had.