Sunday, 27 March 2011

Ballan Quilt Show

Today Paul and I got up early and headed off to the Ballan Quilt Show.  It took about an hour to drive there, and it was well worth the trip - such beautiful quilts.  

This is a photo of Paul and my nephew Xavier at the quilt show in front of a gorgeous fairy quilt, which unfortunately you can’t see very much of. 

We were in Ballan a couple of months ago to have a delicious lunch at Mill Rose Cottage.  Sue the owner gave us a tour of the former Masonic lodge next door which she and her husband were converting into a patchwork shop.  Yesterday was the grand opening, and I had great pleasure looking at all the yummy fabric (and bringing some of it home with me). 

Xavi enjoyed helping me pick fabric.  (And Paul kindly took him for a walk so I could have some alone time in the shop).

They have done a great job converting the building into a light and spacious shop with a fantastic classroom area.  Don’t you just love the old floorboards, and the ceiling (and all the fabric).