Well I have finally finished the My Quilts page. To view it, please click the link on the navigation bar at the top of the page. This is something I have wanted to do for a while, and it was the followers of this blog that kept me motivated enough to do it all.
Thank you for showing an interest in my blog. I find it encouraging and motivating that other people are interested in my work.
To show my appreciation, I’d like to give something more tangible back!
When I did a workshop with Karen McTavish I was lucky enough to win an autographed copy of her book. Now I can’t give away my autographed one, but I do have my original copy I can gift to one of my followers. It’s a great book to have!
As the gift is a thank you to my blog followers, you will need to be or become a follower. Then just add a comment on this post saying that you want to be in the draw.
(And if you want to make a comment about the My Quilts page, or any other of my posts, that is always appreciated).
I will pick the winning name out of a hat on the 15th of May. I’ll be happy to post it to anywhere in the world free of charge.
If you already own the book, please still enter; and if you win, you can offer it as a gift on your own blog. :)