Friday, 9 August 2013

Chocolate Layered Wedding Cake (Quilt)

My youngest sister got married in January, and I said I would make her and her husband a quilt.  When I asked what kind of quilt they would like, her now husband said he liked my quilt Ruled by Chocolate.  I had some of the fabric from that quilt left and made something in similar colours with a more contemporary feel. 

This won’t get quilted until this January, so I will be keeping with the tradition of giving them their wedding quilt around their first wedding anniversary.

It is a big quilt and I had a lovely white extra wide fabric from Brenda at Widebacks (great place to go for extra wide backings).   

It was the wrong colour so I thought I would try tea dying for the first time.  It came out a lovely creamy colour and I was really happy with the result.