Saturday, 23 January 2021

Brisbane Ranges National Park

The past three weekends we have gone hiking in different parts of the Brisbane Ranges National Park.

Our first walk was through Anakie Gorge.

A detour to Lower Stony Creek Dam.

Then we did a circuit with some lovely lookouts.

A couple of places along the hike had stations where you cleaned your boots to reduce the spread of fungus.

Our second walk was another circuit starting at the Steiglitz Courthouse.  The trail notes detailed that a couple of kilometres of this hike were off trail where you followed the creek.  

The trail notes said that in dry weather it would be easier to walk along the creek bed.  Given that it is the middle of summer I though it would be a relatively easy walk, but there was plenty of water in the creek and those two kilometres involved quite a bit of bush bashing and creek crossings.  

As the creek curved the outer side usually was cliff or steep rock so we would need to cross before this point.  

Mostly we rock hopped to cross, but one time we used a fallen log.  Paul didn't think that I would be able to make it, but I proved him wrong.  It was harder than it looked as there was movement in the log and it got narrower as you got to the other side with a broken branch sticking up to navigate around.

The third walk we did today.  It was in a more remote area of the National Park and we didn't see another hiker.  It was mostly along park management tracks, so fairly easy walking.

At times we were walking along the edge of the National Park next to farm land.  I took this photo of a couple of horses.  The sky is an amazing colour.  I have not altered the photos at all - this really is the colour it was.

The maps of the three walks in the order we did them in.  The first was in the middle of the park, and was the busiest with other hikers.  The second was in the southwest of the park, and the third was in the north and was much more isolated.