Sunday, 24 April 2011

Nifty Numbers

I had time for a little bit of sewing on one of the projects I am working on yesterday.  I finally got the sashing finished, and decided to put them all up on my design wall last night.

I had been complaining for a while that every time I lay out the blocks for a quilt, and get them just right, when I pick them up to sew them, I manage to mess up the order, and one or two end up in the wrong spot.

Well, early this year, Jeanette surprised me with these nifty numbers that she had made, laminated and cut out.  So last night I used them for the first time.  I decided to place the number in the top corner of each block to ensure I put the piece back in the exact same spot and with the right orientation.  

 They are working really well!

Yesterday morning we visited my niece and nephew.  Paul is like the pied piper of kids, and Mila and Asher like to climb all over him.  In this photo they were playing circus acrobats.